
Racing and Freestyle

Valpo would mark my second trip to Indiana in the month of August. This would also be the second show in Indiana in August with Bobby Cox preforming. Well this is also the second time we got stuck in traffic going into Indiana. Now how do you get stuck in traffic on a Sunday afternoon?!?! Well apparently there was the annual air show in Chicago. Great Timing! Well we got in Valporaiso with 5 minutes to show time so we stoped at a gas station and found out the fairgrounds was only a few minutes away so we got in the car and burned rubber. We were entering the fairgrounds with no time to spare. Thankfully Bobby Cox was doing introductions which gave us some time to spare. Well lets get on to Qualifying! (use the side menu to navigate throughout the coverage.


Also Check out Jason Twite's Midwest Monsters for more pictures and coverage of Valpo.


Midwest Monsters









All content is Copyright of Andrew Pellegrine, Monster-Truckin